Resep Masakan : Tongseng Kambing khas Solo Tanpa Santan

Resep Masakan : Tongseng Kambing khas Solo Tanpa Santan

BACA JUGA:Resep Bumbu Sate Kambing Solo Yang Enak Dan Lezat, Dapat Kamu Bikin Untuk Olahan Daging Kurbanmu

Cooking method : 

  1. Boil the goat meat and bay leaves until half cooked, cut the meat into pieces according to your taste, put it back in the pan. 
  2. Sauté ground spices, lime leaves, bay leaves, galangal, and lemon grass until fragrant. 
  3. Put it in the meat stew until the meat is tender set aside. 
  4. Prepare a frying pan with hot oil, saute shallots, garlic and cayenne pepper until fragrant. 
  5. Add cabbage, tomatoes, green onions, and soy sauce. 
  6. Mix well. 
  7. Put it in the meat stew, cook again until it boils. 
  8. Remove, then serve with a sprinkling of fried onions and warm rice.

BACA JUGA:Resep Ikan Nila Asam Manis Pedas Dan Crispy Ala Resto Yang Mudah Dibuat, Dan Bikin Nikmat! Yuk, Simak !

Thus, information about the typical Solo goat tongseng recipe that you can try at home. Good luck.***

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