Donald Trump Prepare For His Assembly, Just A Political Motive !

Jumat 01-09-2023,23:00 WIB
Reporter : Dimas Satriyo
Editor : Dimas Satriyo

AMERIKA SERIKAT - Donald Trump finally confess his guilty about his trial to abort the result of President Election on 2020 in Georgia.

That illegal performance was included in Criminal conspiration.

He also take off all of his rights to attend the court next week.

19 man incuding him are indicted to involved on that conspiration.

Those Ex - President, Donald Trump is also have surrendering himself to Fulton County prison on Atlanta last week.

Where he took a fingerprint and captured his photo as a prisoneer number PO1135809.

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For a couple times, Donald trump has deny every statements that accusing him as guilty and describe his Law caused was a political motive.


Totally, Donald Trump must face 13 indiction, Extortion included, because he was push over the official of Georgia to cancel the result of United Stated of America Election 2020.

Inside the court Document that was filed on Thursday, August 31 2023, Trump said that he completely understood the indiction and his rightsto attending the court.

This day, Trump is becoming a front sector candidate as a President of Republic Party noted has attending 3 indicted judgement on New York, Florida and Washington DC.

On the 3 separate indiction, surrendering himself and the indiction judgement was happened at the same time. Wasn't like what happened on Georgia.

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